Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like poopy.

Hmmm, well this list is not as short as I would have hoped.  I have had many people who have made my life hell or "poopy"

My birth father Lee Barela, just making my life hell.

Jenn and Aggie Rhoades, These two people are a something else.  I have known them for 9 years, called them family, gone to them when I needed help, confided in them,  and trusted them. They turned on me for no reason, stabbed me in my back from the beginning. They used the fact that I was broken for their own selfish needs. This tango has gone  on for 9 years. I have been there for their worst and when they really had no one because they played games with everyone and lost.  If you are of no use to them, they will start treating you like shit and mind fucking you till it is your fault.  once you are broken once more they bring you back in to start all over.  after our last falling out  I found out that they were talking shit from the start with me.  used me to get where they wanted and when I made a new friend they turned on her, made her the devil and exiled her for nothing other then being a threat in their eyes.  I do have to say that Jenn Rhoades is the body behind all the hate, money schemes, underage drinking, and mature talk around miners.  Aggie is a puppet in her life. 

Ron Lucero and Wendy Farnsworth, I have known them just as long as Jenn and Aggie.  They have told me for as long as I remember, if I ever needed anything to let them know.  9 years and I never asked them for a thing.  The day I needed something their door was shut.  I had two days to find a new place to live and pack, I only needed a place to stay for one night. I guess this was too much to ask of them after 9 years.  Michelle, a great friend of mine was my savior! I stayed one night at her house with her great husband Andy and I was gone and moved into my new place the next day.  Thank you to them again! To this day neither Ron or Wendy have called to see how I am or if I made it ok.

Nicholas Willits, made me feel like  shit and fucked me in the end because I couldn't love him in the same way he loved me.  We lived together for 5 years and it all ended in flames. No word from him either.

These are a few of many, I could be here all day but I really don't feel like it.

If your name is here, Please don't comment. Your input is not needed and all you will do is make things worse for yourselves.  Do as you wish but don't play with fire unless you want to get burned, right?

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